
The lunsol program shows the positions of the moon and sun, any location and time.

The program was written by others, as stated by the comment at the start of lunsol.c, except that I changed the format of some input parameters.

The options for lunsol are:

Usage: lunsol [-p] [-t hh:mm:ss] [-d mm/dd/yyyy] [-a lat] [-o lon] [-z tz]
        lunsol -p -d 9/26/2014 -t 21:30
and it tells you
lunsol.c version 1.44

For: September 26, 2014
Sunrise: 06:43:38 (CDT)         Azimuth:  090 deg 53' 51''
Sunset:  18:42:49 (CDT)         Azimuth:  268 deg 50' 42''

At 21:30:00 (CDT)
The sun is located at:
   RA:   12:14:22               Altitude: -030 deg 38' 32''
   Dec: -001 deg 33' 27''       Azimuth:   299 deg 26' 17''
The Harvest moon is 2.7 days old and 7.8% of full.
   RA:   14:17:57               Altitude: -015 deg 58' 45''
   Dec: -012 deg 16' 32''       Azimuth:   267 deg 43' 45''
LST:  21:00:10